Saturday, July 25, 2015

Thing 19: Communicating

Thanks to Google Hangouts and the Facebook Messenger app, I have been able to (sort of) keep tabs on my son, who is in Taipei for the summer. I was forced to learn how to use Google Hangouts when he told me that he prefers that to Skype for communicating. I found it to be very easy to learn, and it still blows my mind that I can talk to someone who is on the other side of the world so easily! And just this morning, he called me on my cellphone via the Facebook Messenger app, because apparently it is free, while a standard phone call costs money. And the reception was even more clear than a regular phone call.

I have the Snapchat app on my phone, but haven't used it. I don't think any of my friends use Snapchat, and I'm also not a big "picture sharer". I do share photos with my mom via text message, and sometimes send random photos of my pets to my sister, but not much beyond that.

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