Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thing 13: Education

I had heard of Khan Academy before because the math classes were recommended to me when my kids were in elementary school. But today I downloaded the app, and am completely impressed! My son saw me playing around with it, and mentioned that he has gone through much of their math content. He is sort of a math snob, and said that among his "math nerd" friends at CHS, Khan Academy has a really good reputation.

The category "Partner Content" caught my curiosity. Within this group there are many sub-categories, but I chose the one called "All-Star Orchestra" because my kids have both been involved in orchestra. Within that topic, I clicked on "Masterpieces Old and New", and finally I viewed the entire 10 minute video clip of "Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony No. 5, analysis by Gerard Schwarz. It was actually fascinating, hearing some great background information about that one very familiar orchestra piece.

One other interesting thing I noticed that under "Test Prep," there are practice tests for both the current SAT and the new SAT, which will start March 2016.

I can see that there is a LOT more in this app that I want to explore. NASA? Stanford School of Medicine? I am going to be super smart by the time I'm finished!

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