Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Thing 18: Calendars

I didn't know anything about Sunrise before starting this Thing. I already occasionally use the calendar app that is built into the phone, but after downloading Sunrise and signing in through Google, I can see that it is something I will use all the time. I love that it links to Google+, which means I will see all of my family's other activities. And more importantly, they will see MY activities, so I won't have to keep answering questions like, "Are you working on Tuesday night?" (although I have worked just about every Tuesday night for the past, oh, 7 years or so??)  :)

Since I have special friends' and family members' birthdays included in my Google calendar, it's nice to see it already loaded onto my Sunrise calendar as well. I don't plan to add any of the "special days", as I don't want to clutter my calendar, but it might be interesting to play with some of the others, such as the "TV" category.  I think my dad would love to play with the "Stock Market" category.  I also practiced adding several events to the Sunrise calendar, and found it to be much more streamlined even than the Google calendar. It just seems easier to view events for the upcoming week and month in Sunrise too.

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